You'll laugh, you'll cry...but mostly you'll just feel a little sleepy.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

SBS it isn't

In a fit of nostalgia, I found myself going through an old box containing bits and pieces collected from previous travels. In among the ticket stubbs, coasters, and things pilfered from beer taverns, I found this delightful gem of a postcard picked up somewhere in Spain.

Spanish 101, Espanol for Dummies, Posing for Gringos - call it what you will, just be grateful that I'm about to make you just that little bit more 'worldly'.

Enjoy, and try to use a phrase in a sentence today.


yak said...

You know I plan to use this! It's too good to pass up.

Liz said...

Use it for good, not evil young grasshopper.

yak said...

Yes sensei, your incomprehensible words will be used wisely. Wax on, hair off. Wax on, hair off. And I assure you sensei, I have left no grass unhopped. What a waste! We could have just smoked it, you know?

Liz said...

Yes, I sense that you are obedient , much like a branch of the cherry blossom in a gentle spring breeze. Besides, I heard that grass is not the only thing you've left unhopped.